Ethnic people in New Zealand

Ethnic people urged to join govt boards


Do you believe you could make a difference to New Zealand communities? The Office of Ethnic Affairs in New Zealand is urging ethnic people to nominate themselves to be considered for appointment to government boards, committees and advisory groups, including those of Crown companies.

Ethnic people in New Zealand

The positions give an opportunity to contribute to the prosperity and strength of New Zealand’s economy and communities.

The OEA is consulted by agencies that support the Government’s appointment of candidates to more than 400 state sector boards and committees. The OEA provides an avenue through which ethnic people can register their interest and availability to take up board appointments.

Minister Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi is requesting people from the Indian communities to express their interest to be considered for these roles on the boards.

“As the face and heart of New Zealand becomes more diverse, it’s crucial that leaders in ethnic communities play a more active role shaping decision-making,” says Kanwaljit.

“It’s important every New Zealander feels inspired and has the opportunity to step into leadership roles in our neighbourhoods, workplaces, on boards and in broader decision making authorities,” says the New Delhi-born minister.

KanwaljitBakshi“This is one of the reasons I aspired to become a Member of Parliament. As a country we are extremely proud of our diversity and it’s increasingly seen as a competitive advantage on so many levels particularly when it comes to business.

“That’s why we’re working to make sure that we create the best culture and environment possible for this exchange of knowledge and skills.

“The 2014 series of EthnicA conferences, which began last weekend, help do just this;  stressing the importance of diverse leadership for New Zealand’s success.

“Migrant businesses are a wealth of international knowledge for other New Zealand businesses. Likewise migrant businesses are able to learn and feed off New Zealand businesses that have an institutional understanding of operating in our domestic environment.

“These conferences are part of a fantastic pool of programmes organised by the Office of Ethnic Affairs (OEA) to tap into New Zealand’s ethnic diversity and find new avenues to develop and strengthen leadership across the board.

“At the event a range of speakers told experiences operating ‘in two worlds’ because to be successful we have to learn to navigate and balance both the demands of our working life, with the demands of our home or community life.”

Who could apply to be considered for the board roles

In order to be considered for board roles, you need to display at least one of the following characteristics:

  • have held a position on a board or committee at any level
  • have been elected to a board or council position
  • have a leadership role in a corporate environment, professional association or community group
  • are a director of a business
  • have good networks/connections within your community or a particular sector
  • have corporate, legal, accounting or financial expertise or experience
  • experience in managing commercial assets

For more information, visit OEA website.



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