Bollywood actor Shiney Ahuja has been sentenced to seven years’ rigorous imprisonmnet (RI) for raping his maid. The victim had turned hostile during the trial in a fast-track court.
Ahuja is also fined Rs 3,000. Sessions Judge P M Chouhan acquitted Ahuja of less serious charges of criminal intimidation and wrongful confinement. The sessions court proceedings were in camera.
The court considered circumstantial evidence, including the DNA report which was positive. It also considered other evidence – the hymen was torn and there were blood marks on victim’s clothes. Reportedly, Ahuja’s semen was found on quilt and curtains.
The incident, which took place in 2009 in Shiney’s house here, had evidence that the victim had struggled; her clothes were torn.
Ahuja pleaded for leniency, saying he had a family to look after and a career to pursue.
The prosecution tried for life imprisonment for the actor.
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