Author: TGI News Service

  • Learning a foreign language just a book away

    Learning a foreign language just a book away

    An Australian language teacher believes that anyone can learn another language. Andrew Weiler, a teacher of English as Second Language (ESL), Indonesian and Hungarian, is so confident that he has written a book – Language Learning Unlocked, to help people learn a foreign language. “I have been intrigued over the…

  • Australia celebrates 65 years of citizenship

    Australia celebrates 65 years of citizenship

    Australia’s Channel 10 personality and Spanish celebrity chef Miguel Maestre is among the new Australians who received Australian citizenship today. Miguel says he is becoming an Aussie because of his Australian-born two-year-old daughter. Also receiving citizenship were Egyptian-born pharmacists, Bahar Derias and Ereny Ghabrial and their 11-year-old triplets, Andrew, Marian…

  • Five Tips for Traveling with Kids

    Five Tips for Traveling with Kids

    Traveling with kids can be an exciting adventure. Taking children along with you can make you learn a lot of things, since children view things in a different manner and can ask you questions that you might have never thought of. They can even suggest some places of sight-seeing which…

  • Bill to tackle migrant exploitation introduced

    Michael Woodhouse | Immigration Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse today introduced a new Bill to Parliament that will crack down on employers who exploit migrant workers. Under the Immigration Amendment Bill such employers will face a jail sentence of up to seven years, a fine not exceeding $100,000, or both. Exploitative…

  • OPINION: Is Gandhi still relevant?

    OPINION: Is Gandhi still relevant?

    Today, we see violence everywhere – we have Syria; we have Egypt, we have the US, the UK and India. Name a country and we’ll find a conflict brewing. Except in a few nations like New Zealand, civil strife is killing people in every place with human settlement. It is…

  • Indian child slaves being exploited to stitch rugby balls for use in Oz Report

    Hundreds of Indian children are secretly employed to make balls for Australian children of the same age pressed into harmful backbreaking labour for a little more than one dollar a day according to a report in the Australian media

  • 4 mistakes of a business traveller

    4 mistakes of a business traveller

    Travelling with a work colleague? Lisa Holland warns of these common mistakes to avoid. Business trips excite almost every young professional who has just started the job and is profoundly dedicated in making a successful career out of it. Official tours may be for trainings or meetings, may it be…

  • NZ to celebrate Diwali with Yoga

    NZ to celebrate Diwali with Yoga

    While Diwali usually provides an excuse to eat sugary sweets and fattening dishes, a community group in New Zealand is hopeful of using Diwali to get people more active. An yoga competition will try to improve health at Dipawali celebrations in Rotorua. On Saturday, 12 October, the Rotorua Convention Centre…

  • 7 Clever Tricks To Thicken Your Hair

    7 Clever Tricks To Thicken Your Hair

    Think women are the only ones with a few beauty tricks up their sleeve? Guess again! If you’re searching for ways to make your thinning hair appear thicker, these clever tricks will help you achieve a full, lush look. 1. Wash that hair! One glance at the hair-clogged drain following…

  • How Age Affects The Safety Of Having Children

    If you’re thinking of having your first child later in life, you’re not alone. Over 20 percent of women in the United States are waiting till their mid 30’s to have their first child. This is an exciting decision and most women don’t consider aspects regarding fertility. Unfortunately though, deciding…

  • Dos And Don’ts For A Successful Job Interview

    Dos And Don’ts For A Successful Job Interview

    Being a graduate, I have spent countless hours in university careers events being given guidance on how to be the perfect interviewee. They tell you the obvious tips such as “always ask questions” but, from my first-hand experience I have decided to compile a few of my own hints, tips,…

  • Research affirms benefits of temporary migration

    Michael Woodhouse | Immigration Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse is welcoming new research from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) on the impact of temporary migration on jobs and wages in New Zealand. Using figures from MBIE, Statistics New Zealand and Inland Revenue, The Rise of Temporary Migration and…

  • Will NZ migration to UK grow?

    Will NZ migration to UK grow?

    London is keen to have more Kiwis come and stay longer. But probably the view is not shared by the rest of the UK. During the New Zealand Prime Minister’s recent visit to the UK, the mayor of London supported a possible bilateral trade that may allow skilled Kiwis to…

  • Woman charged for invoice fraud

    Woman charged for invoice fraud

    A New Zealand woman carrying out a sophisticated fraud to the value of NZ$719,000 has been sentenced to 10 months’ home detention. Former company director Sonia Klair was sentenced at the Auckland District Court after pleading guilty to 64 charges brought by the Commerce Commission under the Crimes Act, in…

  • Causes and cure of menstrual irregularity

    Women can experience irregularities in menstrual cycle if they are suffering from Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome, the most common women’s hormonal disorder. Here I will discuss ayurvedic treatment for PCOS – a disorder involving Tridoshas, fat metabolism and water retention. Treatment involves -detox or Panchakarma.  Most important factor to remember…

  • 2013 NZAMI Annual Conference opening address

    Michael Woodhouse | Immigration Good morning and thank you for asking me along to speak to your conference today. I want to start by acknowledging Peter Townsend, MC for the Conference, and Walter Stone, Chairman of your Association. It’s very important for me to come here to address you as…

  • Woodhouse in Indonesia for people smuggling conference

    Michael Woodhouse | Immigration Immigration Minister Michael Woodhouse has travelled to Indonesia to attend a major regional conference on people smuggling and trafficking. The Special Conference on the Irregular Movement of Persons is being held in Jakarta today and will discuss prevention, protection, early detection, and the prosecution of people…

  • Immigration scam exposed in New Zealand

    An immigration fraudster in New Zealand faces a possible jail term after an investigation by the Immigration Advisers Authority uncovered a $100,000 immigration scam. Tengyu (Nick) Yuan, a New Zealand citizen from Albany, admitted providing immigration advice illegally to six migrants at Auckland District Court. The court heard Tengyu, director of…

  • Address to 11th Annual Immigration Law Conference

    Michael Woodhouse | Immigration It’s an honour for me to be invited here today to open your 11th annual conference. I’m sure you will have some fruitful and robust discussions over the next couple of days. Having been Minister of Immigration for just over six months now I’ve been doing…

  • Kiwi developer releases ‘Get Home Safe’ App

    Kiwi developer releases ‘Get Home Safe’ App

    With violence against women getting more gruesome and frequent in India, a new mobile application by a New Zealand developer could offer some safety help. The free app privately monitors users’ location during an activity or task and raises a pre-set alarm if they don’t ‘’Get Home Safe’. The app…